Scientific Program (26.+27.09)
The Scientific Program of the conference can be found here.
Invited speakers:
- Laurence de Viguerie – Laboratory for Molecular and Structural Archaeology, CNRS & Sorbonne University, Paris.
- Claudia Caliri – Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (ISPC-CNR), Catania & Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareLaboratori Nazionali del Sud (INFN-LNS), Catania.
- Rob Erdmann – University of Amsterdam & Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.
- Marc Walton – M+ Museum, Hong Kong.
Based on the abstracts submitted oral sessions will be organised focused on Instrumentation, Data Evaluation, Multi-modal investigations and relevant case studies. In addition a poster session will be organised.
Satellite Workshops (28.+29.09)
RIS workshop 28th of September
On the 28th of September a one-day sattelite workshop on Reflectance Imaging Spectroscopy (RIS) will be held in Amsterdam at the Atelier building of the Rijksmuseum on Wednesday September 28th. The meeting will be focused on technical developments of RIS sensors and methodologies of acquisition as well as new processing and visualization tools to maximize the extraction of information from the large RIS datasets. Together with invited speakers (to be announced), the workshop will host panel sessions and brainstorm session to allow participants to share experience, challenges, and future vision of Reflectance imaging.
- John K Delaney (NGA, Washington DC, USA)
- Roxanne Radpour (NGA, Washington DC, USA)
- Marta Melchiorre (NG, London, UK)
- Francesca Rosi (CNR-SCITEC, Perugia, Italy)
- Thomas Calligaro (C2RMF, Paris, France)
- Kathryn Dooley (NGA, Washington DC,USA)
- Francesca Gabrieli (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Matthias Alfeld (TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands)
- David Messinger (RIT, Rochester, NY, USA)
- Rob Erdmann (UVA and Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
The workshop will have limited seats thus we kindly ask to specify, during registration of main MAXRF conference, whether the participant wishes to join the RIS workshop and a give short motivation.
Data Evaluation workshop 29th of September
On the 29th of September data evaluation workshops and hands on tutorials will be organised at the TU Delft. The workshop will contain lectures and hands on exercises on the use of PyMCA, Datamuncher, Data Handler P and ENVI for the evaluation of MA-XRF and RIS data of painted cultural heritage artefacts, given by Matthias Alfeld and Francesca Gabrieli.